Monday, March 30, 2015

Blog post #10 Zach Walker

The part to the right is the male part where the pollen is produced and where it get released to go and land on the stickey stigma of the flower causing fertilization 

This is where both of these come together to make the reproduction actully happen within the flower there the stigma releases fertilization to create a seedling and they get planted around to make the flower sprout 

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This part of the flower ironicly looks more like the male but is actully the female part where the pollen lands and where the fertilization happens 

Conclusion paragraph: Angiosperm interact within this flower because of the all of the reasons that I listed above, first of the all flower has a stickey stigma where the fertilization occurs and causes the more seedlings to sprout creating more flowers etc.. there is a point within the flower that both of the actions male and female come together to form the final process of reproduction of a Angiosperm. The interactions of other fertilization and other plants coming together.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Joe Fordyce period 6 anthers, stigmas and styles

The pollen lands on the sticky stigma and that is what is abel to fertilize the flower and make it fertile. There are the parts: The carpel which produce female gametophytes; The anther which is where the stage of meiosis takes place. The whole flower has a life cycle just like us humans.
These are the an anthers and these are the map parts of the sex organ of the plant. THis is also where meiosis takes  place and there are usually more than two or three anthers of each flower.
This is the stigma which is the female part of the sex organ of the plant. There is only one and in this picture the pollen lands on this and then that fertilizes the egg.

This is the ovary of the cell and this is where the female phenotype is created along with this ivar are little ends called ovules.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Haley GATTACA Essay

 Glass/water as invisible obstacles Vincent must over come. The first thing I chose was when the janitor told vincent to clean the glass too well. The way Vincent overcame this obstacle was using Jeremy’s identity to meet his dream and go to space and see the stars.
    When Vincent was younger him and his brother used to play a game called chicken and they would go to the beach and both would swim as far out as they could and who ever would turn around first would lose and be the chicken. Well every time Vincent and his brother would play Vincent would always lose and then one day he played the game and ended up winning and also had to save his brother. Thats how he overcame the obstacle with his brother.

   The last obstacle Vincent overcame was him trying to keep his two different identities. Vincent fell in love with a girl named Irene, but he had to make sure none of his skin cells and hair folicals were identified because he was already a suspect for the murder that had happened. Eventually Irene found out that he wasnt actually Jerome it was Vincent that she was sleeping with. At first she was scared and after she just accepted it because she loved him.

Haley "who wants to live a million years"

In the game it took me 5 times to complete it. I had to choose the tall one and then I chose the medium one and then I chose the small one and it worked because the predator came and then it tried to attack but the little creatures survived. Second came the heat and the little creatures didn't have any fur so they all survived and populated ben more. Third the volcano erupted and there were so many of them that it didn't wipe them all out and the rest survived.

Haley #9

The leaves are the biggest part and probably the most important because they collect sunlight to make the whole plant grow. The plant mutates because when it gets bigger it changes form. THe leaves get bigger ands the stem gets bigger and the plant gets taller and probably changes  color.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Joe's,"Who wants to live a million years"

It took me 3 generations to win the game and I know from studies that overall, organisms don't survive that long unless they adapt to their surroundings
I accidentally chose one that was furry and that was a mistake because that kind of animal could not survive long in the desert. The kind of animal that would survive in that desert needed to be able to escape hawks and be able to run fast and keep up with the hot and cold elements thats why 1/3 options I chose was furry because at night temperatures in the desert could be very cold.
I think that my genetic drift would work because the genes after a couple of generations would thrive like how the 1/3 furry would only protect that part of them at night.
I think that the non 1/3 furry was much more dominant
a/c and b/d
don't make it some round animal that was made up, more types of variations of the animal, and a deeper information about how ti win the game.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Zach: Who wants to live a million years

#1: It took me about 7 time of playing to actually win the game and get to a million years, It took this long because I had no idea what the capabilities of each of the creatures. I eventually learned how each of the creatures behaved with the environment, and I won

#2: I picked one of each creature so that I could know directly what they could and could not survive with. For example I didn't know that the long necked creatures were better with heat. But after a fail and more try's I found out the long neck creature adapt to heat well.

#3: I know they would be affected by it because not all of them have the strength or resources to adapt to all of the frequent environmental changes so a lot of them would die within a 250k year period

#4: An example of a dominant phenotype was the furry short cut creatures. When the weather got colder it adapted and grew more fur to withstand the cold breezy weather

#5:  Environments:(New large preditor) Situations:(Large predator) Conditions:(Hot/Cold weather)

#6 To improve it I would set the strengths and weaknesses to be visible so people would know what the animal can handle to keep it alive in the long run