Sunday, October 19, 2014

Joe's journal #3

The plants are much bigger to start and are competing for water and sunlight. The bigger plants are bound to grow bigger than the small plants because of the sunlight that they can get. Our plants are big but not as big as others. There is a big stem with big leaves coming of the stem.
The water first then falls and then they take in in the water and sunlight for photosynthesis. The water that comes in through the bottom of the stem is absorbed which makes the plant bigger. The more water that the plant gets makes it bigger and acts as a food source so the plants can geo bigger. The bigger the plant is the more photosynthesis it can complete which makes it bigger and bigger.
The carbon cycle is how the plant create its sugars. The carbon comes in through the plant and then exits in a sugar form. The plants are much bigger so that means that the sugars are increasing at a very high rate so the plants grows bigger.
Nitrogen is cycled through the plant and then through the plant it is then created into ammonia. The is an essential to the plants growth. More ammonia=more plants growth.

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